How are the tutors qualified?
Tutors are college educated, third-party background checked, and trained by our Education Specialist (who has over 25 years experience in education). Tutors are trained in programs such as Barton Reading and Spelling, Learn Reading, IXL, Unlock Math, Zearn, Shiller Math, Saxon, and more. Most of our tutors are credentialed teachers, retired teachers, or on the pathway to becoming teachers. Many tutors have years of classroom experience teaching reading, writing, and/or math to all levels and abilities—including students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and/or dyscalculia.
How long are tutoring sessions?
All tutoring sessions are 45 minutes in length.
Where are tutoring sessions held?
Most families choose the convenience of having the tutor come to their home (available in Bakersfield, Tehachapi, and Fresno/Clovis, California). Parents can also choose to meet up with their tutor at a local library in any of these cities. Online sessions are available worldwide.
How often are tutoring sessions held?
Most families choose once or twice a week sessions. Understandably, twice-a-week sessions yield faster learning results.
When will I see results?
Most parents see results in just a few weeks, however the timeframe varies depending on several factors, such as the child’s age, frequency of tutoring sessions, and the severity of the learning struggles.
With the Barton Reading program, students will typically be at a 9th grade reading level in 1.5-2 years.
Most math students grow 2 grade levels within 6-12 months.
What if I feel the tutor is not a good fit?
A considerable amount of thought is put into matching your child with a tutor who is a great fit for their age, subject, and circumstances. If it turns out you feel the tutor is not a good fit—for any reason—please contact us and we will match you with a new tutor based on your specific preferences.
What if I miss a session?
One make-up session is allowed per month if a 24-hour notice is given. If the cancelation is less than 24 hours, no make-up sessions will be provided. If a tutor happens to cancel, they are required to make up the session.
How do I pay?
For private pay families, all payments are made through autopay. Payment is due the 1st of the month for that month. (For example, payment is due May 1st, for May’s sessions.)
For charter school families, payments can be made using charter school funds. Please remember to request funds as soon as possible, as there is processing time involved. Funds should be requested a month in advance. (For example, if you’d like to start tutoring sessions in October, then you’d need to request funds from your charter school by the end of September.)
If payment is not received by the 1st of the month, services will not be provided for that month. You may cancel tutoring services at any time but will not be refunded for the current month. (For example, if you pay on May 1st, but decide to discontinue services on May 15th, you will not be refunded May’s tuition.)